
Reading Schedule

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on May 24, 2008 at 2:32:22 pm

 Mark Your Calendars!


 Proposed Reading Schedule:


I thought this schedule would give us all time to obtain our books.  Feedback is welcome.  I will finish creating the pages for each chapter/section this weekend. Dana


Part One: Foundations
1. It's a Wonderful Life, 2-5 June 13 
2. This I Believe, 6-10 June 13

3. How Writing Units Work Together:

A Scaffold of Writing Instruction, 11-16

June 13
Student Focus: Josh, 17-19 June 13 


Part Two: Collecting Thinking
4. The Writer's Notebook, 22-28 June 20
5. Quick Writes, 29-57 June 20
Student Focus: Rick, 58-60 June 20


Part Three: Writer's Workshop
6. The Opportunities in a Writer's Workshop, 62-95 June 27
Student Focus: Kelsey, 96-99 June 27


Part Four: Thinking Through Genre
7. The Art of Story, 102-129 July 11
8. The Art of Persuasion, 130-146 July 11
Student Focus: Phillip, 147-150 July 11

9. Seeking Balance:

Literature and Writing About Life, 151-158

July 18

10. Finding Form for Ideas:

Blending Genres, 159-183

July 18
Student Focus: Aaron, 184-188 July 18


Part Five: Mechanics

11. Grammar, Punctuation, and What

Keeps Me Up at Night, 190-202

July 25
Student Focus: Kristen, 203-205 July 25


Part Six: Assessment

12. Leading Students to Reflection and

Independence, 208-229

August 1
Student Focus: Shaina, 230-233 August 1
13: In the End, What Writing is For, 234-236 August 1




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